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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 2v2.-'🎲GOSU🎲'-.+ GhostINTheShell 2023-08-10 2023-08-10 20:40:36 8M19d BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 06:32 PZZTvTZTZ Cwt)Massprobe, GhostINTheShell, catiski, TerraHydraCanno 🆚 CarpFishing, carpeasy, Gandalfin, Bucket Cwt)MassprobeP·246·175①, GhostINTheShellZ·340·210⑪, catiskiZ·122·116⑧, TerraHydraCannoT·164·158④ 🆚 CarpFishingT·19·14⑫, carpeasyZ·38·26⑪, GandalfinT·26·23⑫, BucketZ·13·10⑫ 246, 340, 122, 164 🆚 19, 38, 26, 13 175, 210, 116, 158 🆚 14, 26, 23, 10 1, 11, 8, 4 🆚 12, 11, 12, 12 100-200 6 0 7 1 2023-12-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 2:2 Starting GOSU ROOM* Cwt)Massprobe 2022-12-06 2022-12-06 21:37:04 1y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 10:46 PZPZ Hyyr, catiski, Starikan, Gandalfin HyyrP·172·161①, catiskiZ·131·124⑪, StarikanP·125·101⑧, GandalfinZ·293·245④ 172, 131, 125, 293 161, 124, 101, 245 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 17 0 17 1 2023-01-18 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 olqyCZnFbgf[ catiski 2021-12-30 2021-12-30 07:30:41 2y4M BW 1.21+ Blizzard 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL TvB 30:47 TvP catiski 🆚 sadfqwer2255 catiskiT·154·145⑪ 🆚 sadfqwer2255P·151·130④ 154 🆚 151 145 🆚 130 11 🆚 4 100-200 14 0 0 S10·US-W·C1585 1 2023-05-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 P^\McuKgMVuv dissimulator 2021-12-30 2021-12-30 06:47:39 2y4M BW 1.21+ Blizzard 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL TvB 35:24 PvZ dissimulator 🆚 catiski dissimulatorP·124·117① 🆚 catiskiZ·120·107④ 124 🆚 120 117 🆚 107 1 🆚 4 100-200 15 0 2 S10·US-W·C1565 1 2023-05-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 1 vs 1 FS GOGO!+ STaaTSOPers 2021-12-24 2021-12-24 00:27:30 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL Melee 09:30 TvZ catiski 🆚 STaaTSOPers catiskiT·142·140⑧ 🆚 STaaTSOPersZ·237·175④ 142 🆚 237 140 🆚 175 8 🆚 4 100-200 53 1 1 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 22:51:29 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 27:45 PPTZ damarcan, Yeho, catiski, Arcane64 damarcanP·218·169①, YehoP·164·143⑪, catiskiT·138·134⑧, Arcane64Z·147·130④ 218, 164, 138, 147 169, 143, 134, 130 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 66 2 56 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 22:42:51 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 07:12 TZZZ Yeho, Arcane64, damarcan, catiski YehoT·216·170①, Arcane64Z·113·106⑪, damarcanZ·233·179⑧, catiskiZ·80·76④ 216, 113, 233, 80 170, 106, 179, 76 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 69 2 16 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 22:17:51 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 04:15 ZZPZ Arcane64, catiski, LfuNk, Yeho Arcane64Z·130·125①, catiskiZ·108·105⑪, LfuNkP·234·145⑧, YehoZ·185·122④ 130, 108, 234, 185 125, 105, 145, 122 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 46 1 16 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 21:12:35 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 34:23 TTPZ besiktas, catiski, LfuNk, Yeho besiktasT·188·144①, catiskiT·134·128⑪, LfuNkP·234·145⑧, YehoZ·171·145④ 188, 134, 234, 171 144, 128, 145, 145 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 57 1 65 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 21:00:44 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 10:15 ZTPT Yeho, LfuNk, catiski, besiktas YehoZ·178·141①, LfuNkT·265·152⑪, catiskiP·147·139⑧, besiktasT·265·174④ 178, 265, 147, 265 141, 152, 139, 174 1, 11, 8, 4 200-300 52 1 10 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 20:40:02 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 09:07 ZZPT catiski, Yeho, besiktas, LfuNk catiskiZ·97·89①, YehoZ·170·116⑪, besiktasP·272·152⑧, LfuNkT·272·167④ 97, 170, 272, 272 89, 116, 152, 167 1, 11, 8, 4 200-300 52 1 18 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 20:29:41 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 07:41 TTZP catiski, LfuNk, Yeho, besiktas catiskiT·142·132①, LfuNkT·282·165⑪, YehoZ·155·119⑧, besiktasP·324·177④ 142, 282, 155, 324 132, 165, 119, 177 1, 11, 8, 4 200-300 69 1 24 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 19:59:47 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 26:27 PvZ Yeho 🆚 catiski YehoP·194·165① 🆚 catiskiZ·109·100⑧ 194 🆚 109 165 🆚 100 1 🆚 8 100-200 56 1 3 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 23:14:35 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 20:43 TvZ catiski 🆚 Yeho catiskiT·145·137⑪ 🆚 YehoZ·181·150④ 145 🆚 181 137 🆚 150 11 🆚 4 100-200 44 1 6 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 22:47:35 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 25:47 ZvT Yeho 🆚 catiski YehoZ·176·146① 🆚 catiskiT·137·132⑧ 176 🆚 137 146 🆚 132 1 🆚 8 100-200 49 1 3 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 21:35:03 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 23:30 PTTP catiski, LfuNk, Yeho, joker43 catiskiP·145·133①, LfuNkT·282·168⑪, YehoT·196·166⑧, joker43P·201·134④ 145, 282, 196, 201 133, 168, 166, 134 1, 11, 8, 4 200-300 52 1 31 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 21:24:22 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 09:15 PTTP joker43, LfuNk, Yeho, catiski joker43P·224·156①, LfuNkT·258·164⑪, YehoT·171·133⑧, catiskiP·154·144④ 224, 258, 171, 154 156, 164, 133, 144 1, 11, 8, 4 200-300 51 1 25 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 20:44:22 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 35:54 ZPPT Sandikasd12, damarcan, besiktas, catiski Sandikasd12Z·157·129①, damarcanP·214·166⑪, besiktasP·197·150⑧, catiskiT·140·135④ 157, 214, 197, 140 129, 166, 150, 135 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 65 2 46 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 20:26:37 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 13:33 TPTZ LfuNk, Sandikasd12, catiski, besiktas LfuNkT·260·153①, Sandikasd12P·147·124⑪, catiskiT·131·126⑧, besiktasZ·258·167④ 260, 147, 131, 258 153, 124, 126, 167 1, 11, 8, 4 100-200 59 1 26 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 4ddcv catiski 2021-12-22 2021-12-22 20:07:53 2y4M BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 VuABq UMS 11:03 TPZP catiski, Sandikasd12, besiktas, damarcan catiskiT·151·142①, Sandikasd12P·159·119⑪, besiktasZ·275·182⑧, damarcanP·245·189④ 151, 159, 275, 245 142, 119, 182, 189 1, 11, 8, 4 200-300 69 2 27 1 2021-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨